Friday, June 12, 2009

Stand by me

I'm typing this whilst listening to "Stand by Me" in Sf's blog, and after reading what someone else wrote in her blog..sort of provoked me to write this.

I couldn't agree more, how she changed.
Or how we all changed.
For better or for worse.

We hear news about people getting into weird shocking relationships, and some getting out of relationships.
We hear news of people changing after moving abroad...

I guess we're all growing up aren't we?

Do you remember?

I might be wrong, but correct me if I am...I feel that the closest friends are usually the ones from high school. Because, in primary school, we get 6 years of friendship, but we were still too young and too naive to treasure friendship or even know what's friendship - "I don't want to friend you already!" - sounds familiar doesn't it?

In high school, you get 5 years of friendship. This is when you truly found friends.

Do you remember?

Im going nowhere in this post, really.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that....I miss you all, high school mates. I really do.
I can't wait to see the already now matured, and beautiful young ladies of mine when I go home.

Do you remember?

To that someone, I've never regretted that long period of time of friendship. 5 years isn't a short time at all. I've never regretted it...not for one bit. I'm glad that we were such best friends, but sadly it had to end stupidly. But there wasn't one bit that I've regretted and not miss. I hold a grudge against you as well when it ended and the distance between us just became wider and wider. I miss the times we had. I miss you. Thanks for all we've shared throughout that 5 years, for all the memories we had, for all the times we stood up for each other, for all the times we were just there for each other. Thank you. x

Do you remember?

But after that friendship that was broken, I never wanted to have another best friend. I don't know why. Probably I'm just afraid that it will just end the same, or probably that person can never replace your place.

To learn more, to understand more about life, to be stronger in future, one needs to go through sorrow and tears. Life isn't a bed of roses, indeed it isn't. When you're shedding a tear, do not be sad, you're just a step closer in understanding life.

For tears

For laughters

I dare say that I am not fully a mature lady, but part of me has grown from past experience. The only thing that makes me weak

But now, I think I've understand more about love. I can never forget what my friend told me about the definition of love - Love is not when you're together with the person in the first few months. Love is not when you thought you were madly in love with him/her in the beginning. Love is only after a long period of time, your feeling hasn't changed from the first day you both got together. Based on this, I would say, I have never fallen in love. I have went through those moments of i-would-do-anything-for-him, tears and happiness, but not love.

Anyways, listening to the songs on Sf's blog and thinking of the past is making me feel so emo now. Argh. I should get ready for badminton now.

Do you remember?

What I have learnt the most in UK is that:
6. Never judge a person by peoples' say.
5. Always be on the fence, be mutual.
4. Don't gossip about your friend, or anyone for that matter.
3.Treat your friends right, even if they don't return the same least you did your part.
2. Be happy,don't think of the past, it is the past, don't think of the future, you don't know what's going to happen in the future, you're living in the present, so live the present.
1. Cherish your loved ones, cherish every moment you've got. Cherish and enjoy each other's company rather than worrying what's going to happen next. Cherish and appreciate because you will never know how important that person is until you lost them.

I've learnt a lot of things when I got here. I've went through a lot. I've seen so many other types of personalities of different nationalities. But I am happy that I went through all of this, it made me learnt a lot.

Now, if someone asked me the question "If you had a time travel machine, which year would you go back to, and would you change it?". I would answer, I would like to go back to my high school age but I wouldn't want to change a thing. Because whatever that happened in the past are the ones that made the Carmen that we all know today.

I miss you guys. I miss my family. I miss him. :'(


  1. did you really have to post the picture of me crying... :S miss you too, agree that high school friends are the ones i miss most throughout my life. everyone of you guys have made a difference in my life, during high school, and after it. <3 you all.

  2. that was the only picture i had of someone crying. and that was a touching surprise party and a touching story to it, don't you think? :)

  3. omg. why did you post the pic of me seducing sf? haha. looks damn wrong man.

  4. LOLS. looks like a happy picure what. OMG LA YOU ALL. whats wrong with me putting up the pictures. haha. berani buat, berani put up la. LOL. nvm reen, you look hot. LOL. seducing sf wasthe least you did, i know you did more than that! HORRR. ;)
