Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm going back on the 17th of June.

I have some unfinished business.
I will tell the story later....when I'm home. :)

I realised after this break up, how many wonderful great friends I have.
I really am, trully blessed.
Thanks..especially to the guy that came to my room to cheer me up, cried with me, and brought me rendang. :) You know who you are. I was really touched when you cried with me.

I've talked to so many people about my feelings, or rather so many of you asked me what happened after reading my blog. And everytime I tell the story, everytime I cry hysterically. No matter how many words one could say to comfort me, no matter how much everyone tell me to be strong, I just can't. It's up to me to be strong. I tried to be strong, it's not like I've not tried. I've tried so hard, the more I tried, the more it got worse. I thought crying the whole Tuesday would make me feel better on Wednesday. It did not. I thought crying the whole Wednesday would me feel better today. It did not again. Even talking to my mum bout it doesn't help! :( (Yes, I told her bout him...finally, didn't thought it would be in this manner).

Some of you might be angry at me for the decision I've just made (which I would tell when I get home) but all you guys want to me being happy again right? Whether its the right decision or not, we'll never know. Not till the very end.

All I could say to you is that, I had the answer in my heart. "NO" was never the option for me because I knew what I wanted. It's just that I'm just afraid to say "YES". But whatever it is, you know my answer now. Yes, we may not know what will happen down the road, and yes, it might happen again, but all we could do, is just enjoy each others' company and try not to worry whats gonna happen. I've been given a chance, we both have be given a chance, lets make the best out of it. :)

I realised that I have not eaten since that day. Except for that rendang. That was my only food till today. ONE MEAL in three days. And why am I not hungry? Or even I look thinner? :D


  1. So what time must pick you up??? hope is at night cause working during the day... Sorry la so long didnt read you blog busy leh... Miss you very much...

  2. stay strong carmen! I can't wait to see you soon.


  3. luke - dont have to fetch me, my mum INSISTED that she wants to pick me up instead. LOL. but rmb to bring me in your beast k. SPEEEEEED. I miss sitting in really fast car with your speakers blasting! ^^

    Shereen - i will hun! x cant wait to see the whole bunch! :D
