Thursday, April 9, 2009

Flowers in my hair.

I was one happy girl yesterday. :)

The other day, I bought a pot of flower from Ikea. I love the idea that everytime I come into my room, it smells like flowers and not like my stinky socks, or my overdue tom yum soup.
My room has a can of coke, with dried roses from Valentines.

I am such a pathetic girl that wants flowers (so they can be added to my dried flowers when they....[hmm, how shall i put it?] move on to the next life), that I always pluck flowers from everywhere. But eventually they would die in just few hours. :( (oh mannnn, I feel like I am a plant killer or something)

So, I bought the plant from Ikea and I told Eric bout my purchase.
Eric : So what did you buy from Ikea?
I : I bought flowers...!!
Eric : Flowers...? Why would you wanna buy flowers from Ikea?
I : Cause....I like flowers, and not like anyone buys them for me. So, I bought them myself!
Eric : Oh...I see.

Then, came along yesterday.

There was this guy, called Andy who added me in Facebook.
He asked me out. I don't know him, I've never met MET him before (though I would occasionally bump into him in University, but he doesn't recognise me [my pictures are very deceiving! lols]).

So I said no, but he kept being pushy and ANNOYING!

In the end, I said yes to shut him up, but I told him I would like to come along with someone else (He's friends with some of mine as well). But he kept saying that if someone else came along then he wouldn't be able to get to know me that well...bla bla bla.

He was so god damn annoying that we came to a conclusion that we would just meet up for an hour or two, on that day itself! (Don't he sound pretty desperate to "know" me?)

Then I told Eric that this guy is asking me out and such. And Eric was trying to squeeze some obvious facts into my tiny peanut brain that this guy has some other intentions. But I kept telling Eric that I would only meet him for a couple of hours, plus, in public! Then we started arguing bout this stupid Andy. :(

And I felt so frustrated that I was stuck between this two guys. One keep asking me to go out with him, and the other kept asking me to not go out with him, but if I want to, I would have to bring someone else (but Andy DON'T WANT anyone else to come along).

In the end, I told Andy that I'm seeing Eric and he doesn't like the idea of me going out with him alone, and he matters to me more than..going out with him (was indirectly telling Andy).

But I could tell that Eric was annoyed that I had to go against him. :(

and Eric was working at the moment.

Then, after everything, Eric said he wants to continue his work again and I asked him that is he angry about all this, but no reply. :(

One hour later, there was a knock on my door, and when I look through (there's this hole thingy that enables you to look who's knocking on the door or something....lets called it, John) John, and I saw Eric! (He was definitely posing laa. Wearing sunglasses, leaning against the wall, one hand in the pocket, the other holding TWO bouquets of flowers! -.-" Damn Chinese TV series like lor! LOL)

I was well surprised, cause he told me that he couldn't visit me that week. (Eric doesn't stay in Southampton anymore...but he makes an effort to visit me every week)

*heart melts*

I lliokvee him. :)

Could you imagine that if I actually went out with that Andy guy that day, Eric's plans will all be ruined? (Oh, I lliokvee him even more!)

ps : There's a reason why he bought two bouquets of flowers (guys where got so generous hor!). It was because he liked the white one, but he remembers that I like purple, so he wasn't sure which one I would like more, so he got both of them! :)

pps : I don't know what type of flowers are those, if anyone knows, do tell.

No vase, I put it into a Coke bottle. :P
That's my Ikea flower on the right! :)


My uber uber handsome baby.

I went to Portsmouth the other day, and I didn't get to buy anything cause all too big for me. lols. But I am like those type of shopaholic that I can't stand it if I didn't buy anything. (but that doesn't mean I wasn't thinking of buying the whole outfit for him)

So, I saw this whole outfit on the mannequin in FCUK.
I thought "Damn, baby would look soooo good in this!"
So, I bought the whole outfit. LOLS!

And the salesguy was flirting with me la. -.-"
But he's quite cute, so it's okay. :D

Glad it suits baby well. :)
He's so handsomeeee! *melts*

ppps : Sorry bout the messy room. lols.

Stupid Andy, I hate you.

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