Sunday, August 16, 2009

My feelings are neutral today, and I'm blogging.
How rare is that? :)

If you're in a relationship, and you're always doubting yourself and the whole relationship...this is something you should read.


-given by ym-

Find a translator if you can't read chinese. :)
Very very meaningful, it like it was written for me to read because this quote is so portraying my relationship now.

I don't know what to blog actually. I would want to put up pictures of yesterday's dinner - Mum's birthday, but I'm in the office right now, hence no photos to upload.

I still have to upload Karmen's birthday pictures (>.<) and many many family outing photos.
Don't rush, don't rush meeeee! *looks at Karmen*

I can't wait for that day. I have my hopes high that day. I don't know whether it's a good thing or not. Hmmm...
I really miss hugging you, listening to your heart beat. My best birthday present would be you here celebrating it with me. But that wouldn't happen. No more best birthday present ever. :( But it's okay, I'm gonna see you soon back in UK. Can we go ice skating again? Where we first met, where it all started? On the same day?

I remembered that night clearly.

I was 30 minutes late, because I took the wrong bus, U6C. I was there, but you weren't in sight yet, cause you were waiting for me in the car. I called you to tell you I've reached. It was very cold that night, I was waiting on the pavement behind the bus stop; shivering with my new haircut, my new coat from Zara London, my new cute black pump heels that I adore so much, hoping I was dressed to impress. Afterall, I'm meeting you for the very first time, I wanted to give a good impression. Then, a guy showed up, grey wool jacket, with his black sling bag. Very cute, I thought to myself. He looked like he was finding someone, could that be the guy I was eyeing on in Oriental Night party? I called you, and that guy picked up his phone at the same time! IT WAS YOU! I said "Look to your left" and I waved. My heart beat faster and faster as you walked closer. Our eyes met, and we said hi. Long story short, we sat down at Starbucks, waiting for the next batch of ice skating, sipping away our coffees and getting to know each other better. We had a great time ice skating, you falling on the ice cause I pulled you down when I fell down, and you hit your chin on the ice because you were avoiding to fall on me. We went to Oceana for a couple of drinks later on, and you asked whether I would like to join you for a clubbing session. What happened after that shall remain as a secret. ;)

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