Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Good afternoon, everyone. :D
It was raining cats and dogs yesterday, BUT, when it's raining, it's good to sleep in. ^^

Was talking to my mum yesterday while she read to me about chinese horoscopes. Characters, career and love life. The usuals.

But I must say, the book was very very accurate bout my character. It was a good time laughing it off, because my mother was cussing me whenever a negative character was read out and I said "HEYYYYY! You're born in the year of Horse too!" lol.

Read bout pigs, cause my Chu Tai Kor is in the Year of Flying Piggies. ^^ The book says that people that are born in the Year of Pigs believes in fate.

Well, I think we both have fate. Here's the story.

Sometime around October, the Chinese Society organized a Traffic Light Party, which you have to wear coloured shirts to, as obvious as it could be, the colours were RED, YELLOW, AND GREEN. Red represents you're taken, wear Yellow if you're looking for someone, or wear Green if you just want to have fun. Well......I wore GREY. How's that. lol.

But that's not the point. The point is, I went there with two guy friends, one from HK, the other from S'pore.

(Let's rewind a lil)
When I newly came to University of Southampton, there was only ONE chinese guy I thought was cute. He wasn't handsome, just a tad cute, but he gives out this really charming feeling. Someone you would definitely glance twice at. ;) Then I got to know his name was Jeffrey. And whenever I saw him on uni campus, I would ALWAYS, ALWAYS check him out.

Then, I was quite disappointed to find out he has a girlfriend. -.- A really fierce girlfriend that would give you a death stare if she catches you looking at her boyfriend. Let me be clear, I had no feelings to him whatsoever, I just thought...he was such an eye candy.

Okay, back to the Traffic Light Party. So then, at the party, I saw Jeffrey and his crew. Was checking him out the whole night. Wasn't really looking at anyone else that night.

Then, later in November I think? My Penang hairstylist friend organized an Oriental Night, and that was when I saw Eric for the first time.

Now lets touch on the topic "Fate". It was such a coincidence that I saw him on Facebook in the party pictures, and then added him, and THEN, found out that he was actually at the Traffic Light Party too! Dancing with Jeffrey! (Okay, that sounds wrong, I meant he was in Jeffrey's crew!!) And I was dancing with my two friends next to them! How could I have not noticed Eric!? Then, in the middle of the party, suddenly everyone was forming a circle...cause there was a few people breakdancing in the middle. I could only see a black person dancing...which I'm guessing it was Sly, and Eric dancin in the middle, cause Eric likes breakdancing in events -.- (show off. lol. but that's what I like bout him, his dance skills). But the thing is, I couldn't see who was the other person other than the black guy, cause there was too many people watching them and I was at the far back, so I just continue having my own share of fun.

Could you imagine if I hadn't look through all the photos of friends, friend's friend's photos on the Oriental Night, I wouldn't have added him, and Eric would still be a stranger to me?

And at the Traffic Light Party, Eric was actually wearing red. Could you imagine if I actually saw Eric dancing that night, like how I saw him dancing on Oriental Night and be as amazed as I was on Oriental Night? What would have happened next? So I think that if I actually met him at the Traffic Light Party, we wouldnt have be here today, together.

It was all right timing. For me to only notice him in the Oriental Night Party, for me to accidentally stumble across a photo of him and added him on Facebook. ^^

So, what would you call that? :D
But I'm glad I added him on Facebook, because I don't usually add people on facebook. If I hadn't...we wouldn't be together now.

By the way, then later on, I met Jeffrey and his girlfriend. She's nice and friendly, I guess she's just fierce to strangers. :D


11 more days! The anticipation is killing me! 31 more days! I can't wait.

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