Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Work's a bore.
Warning to all. Never ever to work in Sunway Group company.

It's a stupid company filled with stupid people and you have to do stupid works.

Got my cheque the day before. Quite nice to finally see some money in my Malaysian account.
I really really hope I could save enough money to get that LX3. :(
Fotokem had this mini camera fair the other day in Mid Valley and they ran out of stock for LX3! :'( The next choice of mine was Canon G10. That was like RM1888!


Okay, I'm increasing my budget to RM1800 = GBP311
That...doesn't look too bad now in pounds. LOL.

In this 2.5 months of working, I'm sure my salary will amount up to aboutRM3300.

RM3300-RM1800 = RM1500 - RM250 (have to pay back mum & sis) = RM1250.

Okay,RM1250 will be given to parents so they could spend it.........on me. ^^

Die die also I will find that LX3! ><


  1. why dont just buy in UK, should be cheaper. I'm also buying my new camera in the States..:)

  2. Are you sure its cheaper? its selling for less than 400 pounds in UK now. not sure, prolly ask my friend in HK as well, just want to feel and touch it first. sigh, banyak expensiveeeee. which model u gettin? in UK, its hard to find a proper camera shop. well, at least in my area lor.
